Southern Region TU Advocacy Training

Saturday, January 21st, 2017 - 1:00am



Are you interested in acting as a voice for coldwater conservation? Do you want to constructively convey your passion for protecting trout streams to decision-makers with influence? Do you desire up-to-date information on the most pressing issues of concern to trout streams in Wisconsin, both from a federal and state perspective? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this (free) training is for you! (Seasoned or experienced advocates should also attend, to share their experiences with their fellow TU advocates.)

Join grassroots leaders of Trout Unlimited, along with Taylor Ridderbusch of TU National and staff of the River Alliance of Wisconsin to grow your own, and your chapter's, advocacy voice. No prior advocacy experience is necessary to attend the training.


Southern Regional Trout Unlimited Advocacy Training
January 21, 2017, 1:00-4:00 pm
Thunder Bay Grille (N14 W24130 Tower Place Pewaukee, Wisconsin)

(The training immediately follows an optional, pay on your own lunch at noon.)

Agenda topics

Welcome and introductions

Advocacy nuts and bolts

Acting on (and out) your advocacy

Discussion of state and federal issues of concern to TU

Growing your chapter’s advocacy voice


Questions about this training? Contact Matt Krueger of the River Alliance of Wisconsin at or 608-257-2424 x125.