
Mr. Thomas Lager

Mr. Thomas Lager
About me: 
I have been a FVTU member for more than 25 years and have held a number of board positions in that time. Some of my earliest memories from growing up in northern Minnesota, along the Rainy River, reflect my strong interest in running water environments and propelled me to obtain a Master’s Degree in Aquatic Ecology. After working 7 years in that field and a 30 year career in industry, I now practice my interest through fly fishing and investigating the “bugs” that inhabit our cold waters. I am greatly rewarded by sharing my interests with others through my “Let’s Talk Bugs” articles that FVTU Newsletter graciously publishes, and by teaching and working in the field with all of you building habitats. If I can ever be of service to you and share my experiences please get a hold of me. I believe we all have an accountability to adovate for our cold water resources and invest time and resources for their preservation and protection. But mostly let's enjoy the natural wonders our Creator has provided for us.
Favorite quote: 
“Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” ― St. Francis of Assisi
Other Interests: 
Teaching aquatic ecology and entomology
Fly Tying
fishing methods
Group membership: 
Wisconsin Council of Trout Unlimited 9WI