
Mr. David Lass
Mr. David Lass
Job title:
Major Gifts Officer - West Coast
About me:
David operates as California’s Field Director and runs the Tahoe office for TU, based out of Truckee, CA. Within this role, David looks over all public lands issues in the Northern Sierra and Southern Cascades that concern trout, salmon and steelhead and works to build local, regional and statewide support among sportsmen to engage in policy and project level decisions that protect the last, best places we have to hunt and fish. Coordinating the Sierra Meadows Project, Lahontan Basin Initiative and Youth Education programs across California and Nevada fill out the remainder of his work portfolio with TU. As a fanatical angler, skier, photographer and wanna-be surfer, he is happy to call the Sierra his home.
Favorite quote:
"On a mucked up lovely river, I cast my little fly. I look at that river and I smell it and it makes me want to cry. To clean our dirty planet, now there's a noble wish. I'm putting my shoulders to the wheel because I want to catch some fish." -Greg Brown
My website:
Group membership:
Truckee River - 103
California - 9CA
Sierra Trout Camp