
Joel Vaughn

Joel Vaughn
About me: 
I grew up on turtle creek, that runs from Delavan lake all the way to Illinois. During my summers as a kid, I was on the creek all the time. There was nothing better for a young boy to grow up with a creek in his backyard. My love for fishing came when I was 10 and my father (Terry Vaughn) decided to teach me how to tie flies. From there it went to the trout streams in Western Wisconsin, and today, any water that I can get on to fish. What I did not realize was that my father was building a great legacy that someday will be passed for me to share with my son (Logan). My father and I still enjoy the wonders of fishing together. Every time we go, new memories are being created and the bond between my father and I grows stronger. Ebay store link is
Favorite quote: 
Insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert Einstein
Other Interests: 
camping with family
Big Game Hunting (novice)
Group membership: 
Blackhawk - 390
Wisconsin Council of Trout Unlimited 9WI