Groundwater Bill seeking Co-sponsors in WI Senate

ACTION ALERT: Ask your legislator to support LRB 0995/2, Water Sustainability Act

The deadline for co-signing is Wednesday, March 4

Groundwater is linked to the rivers, lakes and waterways we hold dear and rely on in this state. Reasonable use and pumping of groundwater should protect rivers, streams and lakes from harm. We can find a good balance between protecting health of waters, people’s property rights and the valuable use of groundwater for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes.  LRB 0995/2 – the Groundwater Sustainability Act – creates a mechanism to identify areas where groundwater withdrawals are harming waters and create a plan to bring withdrawals back into balance again. This legislation is science-based, considers both existing and future groundwater conflicts and balances the need for groundwater with the need to prevent harm to surface waters and citizens’ property rights.

Full text of the bill is here:

What can you do?

Call or email your legislator and ask her/him to sign on to LRB 0995/2. The deadline for co-signing is Wednesday, March 4

Not sure who your Senator or Representative is? Find out here :

We all know the benefits of having cold, clean, fishable and drinkable water not only for recreational purposes but also for Wisconsin’s economic aspects are very important to all of us. So please contact your Senators and Representatives and let them know how important it is to you.

Thank you for your help.

Linn Beck

WITU chair